Team Management 101

Thank you for volunteering for this important leadership role on your child's hockey team. Team managers will work together with coaches and parents to offer every player the best possible experience this season.

As a good rule of thumb, a manager's role is to take care of the behind the scenes logistics so coaches can focus on the kids & their development. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need support or information on this role throughout the season. Feel free to contact Ethan Otterlei from the SLPHA board or find an experienced manager at your level. We are happy to help!

Good luck in your role, and best wishes on a great season.

General Team Manager Responsibilities

All Levels

  • Collect necessary paperwork from your team (e.g. team fund checks)
  • Administer your team webpage (inc. calendar updates for away scrimmages)
  • Assign locker room attendants
  • Coordinate scrimmages (inc. scheduling & paying for referees)
  • Communicate with parents, coaches & SLPHA

Upper Levels Only

  • Attend mandatory District 3 team manager meeting
  • Report game scores to District 3
  • Assign parent game/scrimmage duties 
  • Determine a team approved budget & manage your team fund 
  • Organize tournament details (in & out of town)
  • Coordinate with the team on elective items (additional ice at rinks like Mariucci, pin creation for tournament trading, fundraisers, etc)
  • Plan team events

Depending on your head coach, the roles and responsibilities for a manager may differ. Be sure to talk to your coach and clarify expectations & communication.

Mandatory Requirements for Managers

  1. Register with USA Hockey as a Team Manager (free) - Obtain USA Hockey #
  2. SafeSport training (free) - Must be completed every year
  3. USA Hockey background screening ($30) - Good for 2 years
  4. Attend Mandatory District 3 manager meeting
  5. Attend SLPHA Manager Meeting
  6. Register as a Volunteer with SLPHA

Quick Start Guide

So it's day one and you have to get started. Here are the most important things you need to get done immediately:

  1. EMAIL LIST: Create an email distribution list of the team parents and get an email out to the team with a quick welcome, your team page link and your first practice time. Be sure to tell parents about any required forms that need to be turned in.
  2. FORMS: Collect missing forms as directed by the SLPHA registrar as well as signed cell phone and locker room policies. (View Manager Document Library)
  3. MEET THE COACH / TEAM:  The goal of this meeting is for the coach to discuss what they expect of the players and give the parents the opportunity to ask the coaches questions about the season and plans. You can use this event to collect forms, present and approve a team budget, and collect team fund checks.
  4. CREATE SCORE SHEET LABELS: Roster stickers with player & coach information for all tournament games (district games & scrimmages will use GameSheet)

managing the team fund

SLPHA provides each team with a checkbook and debit card to be used to purchase & pay for items for the benefit of the team. Each account is initially funded by SLPHA based on the number of players on the team to help cover coach's travel expenses (hotel, gas) for away tournaments.

Additional monies need to be collected from families to cover expenses including, but not limited to:

  • Tournament gate fees
  • Referees and ice for scrimmages
  • Cover cost of background checks for locker room monitor volunteers
  • Additional tournaments
  • Team events which may include food for players & coaches. No alcohol may be purchases with team funds (itemized receipts required).
  • End of year team celebration

At the team meeting in the beginning of the season, decide together how much parents should contribute based off a preliminary budget that you put together and the team parents approve.

  • Typical range is $150-$250 per player. 
  • Parents make checks payable to SLPHA Team Name (ex. Peewee B1).
  • As you receive checks from families, deposit those checks and track your account balance.
  • Track expenses carefully, and keep and turn in all itemized receipts on a monthly basis in the provided expense tracking envelopes.
  • Envelopes should be turned into the Treasurer’s mailbox in the concession stand by the 10th of each month, or given to Beth Rich directly (email is ok too).   
  • Return checkbook and debit card at end of season with the required $100 dollar balance.

Any questions, comments or concerns please contact Beth Rich.

Calendar / Schedule

District games and tournaments will typically be updated in your calendar for the season by the SLPHA ice scheduler. 

For any of the following reasons, please contact your ice scheduler to make changes:

Need to add a scrimmage?

Get approval to use a solo ice time first before contacting the opposing team and scheduling referees. When approved and referees have been confirmed, send scrimmage details to the ice scheduler and they will update the calendar.

Need to cancel a practice time? 

Contact the ice scheduler at least 24 hours in advance to have the calendar updated.

Always let the SLPHA ice scheduler know you've canceled and/or changed an ice time.

Parent Game Duties

Managers need to organize & assign parents to help with game duties for all district games and scrimmages. Plan a game duty schedule and clearly communicate it with parents ahead of time. Assignments can be added to the schedule in the Crossbar App.

Game duties are not required for tournament games. 

Home Games:

  • Game Clock / DJ: 1 person
  • GameSheet / Score Board: 1 person
  • Penalty Box: 1 person 
  • Locker Room Monitor: 1 person (gender appropriate)

Away Games:

  • Scorebook:   1 person
  • Penalty Box: 1 person 
  • Locker Room Monitor: 1 person (gender appropriate)

Locker Room Monitors:

Players can not be in the locker room without a locker room monitor present. Monitors need to complete SafeSport training and a background screening.  

No cell phones or cameras are allowed in the locker rooms.

Locker Room Monitor Requirements

  1. Register with USA Hockey as a Volunteer (free) - Obtain USA Hockey # to track SafeSport Training
  2. SafeSport training (free) - Must be completed every year
  3. USA Hockey background screening ($30) - Good idea to put this cost into the team budget!
  4. Register as a volunteer with SLPHA


What to bring? 

  • Team checkbook (scrimmages only to pay refs)
  • Team Manager book (with certified rosters)

Before the game starts:

Confirm assigned parents are ready to go in their game duty spot (Locker Room, Clock, GameSheet and penalty box). 

Home Games / Scrimmages

  • Confirm roster of those playing vs. not playing and set the starting goalie and obtain coach signatures in GameSheet
  • SCRIMMAGE ONLY: Pay referees 15min BEFORE the scrimmage in ref locker room
  • D3 Referees (home)
  • Have visiting team pay refs directly via Venmo or PayPal
  • Pay referees using SLPHA team checkbook and have visiting team write a check or cash to SLPHA
  • Non-D3 Referees (away)
  • Pay referees using SLPHA team checkbook

Away Games / Scrimmages:


When the game ends:

Home Games / Scrimmages

  • When game ends, upload game in GameSheet.
  • Update game score on team web page.

Away Games / Scrimmages:

  • Update game score on team web page.


Please make sure the game has been uploaded in GameSheet.

Tournament Manager Responsibilities

Teams are typically scheduled for 3 tournaments (2 local and 1 out of town). Please contact the SLPHA tournament coordinator if you have questions or need assistance.

Tournament Manager Responsibilities

Prior to the tournament:

  • Contact the host association's tournament coordinator to confirm details and update point of contact.
  • Submit the team roster and score sheet labels
  • Pay gate fees (if applicable)
  • What are gate fees? Rather than charging each person who enters the door for each game, tournaments usually charge a team gate fee that covers the cost of all daily entrance fees.
  • Send tournament apparel order forms to parents
  • Update team web page with tournament info & links, schedule, location and directions.

At the tournament:

  • Check the team in
  • Pass out coach passes as needed

Away Tournaments

  • A block of hotel rooms will be reserved prior to the season. Contact the hotel and confirm details (share with parents)
  • Reservation deadline
  • Meeting room available and cost (for team gatherings)
  • Breakfast included?
  • Transportation / shuttle available to and from the arena?
  • Plan a team dinner and activities in between games
  • Create player door signs for hotel rooms

Questions regarding 3 scheduled team tournaments, please contact tournament coordinator Allison Holland.


MN District 3

MN District 3 Manager Info

Beltline Hockey Referee Assoc.

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